Meals for the perpetually tired – see our suggestions!

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Just include a few basic foods in your daily diet to give your body more energy and the essential micronutrients it needs to function properly


Fresh spinach leaves are not only a perfect addition to salads or scrambled eggs, but also a great ingredient in simple pasta dishes. Spinach contains large amounts of iron which reduces fatigue, vitamin C, folic acid and magnesium


Bananas can also be included in the group of superfoods. There is a reason why they are a great supplement during exercise and as a pre-workout snack. Bananas are a rich source of glucose, protein, fiber, potassium and vitamins A, B, C, E


Eggs are also an integral part of the diet of people who struggle with constant feelings of fatigue. It is in them that you can find large amounts of protein, selenium, zinc, potassium and healthy fats that give the body energy to work.

Main Photo: Obi Onyeador/

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