Why is Hydration Important?
Why is Hydration Important?

Water is an essential component of our bodies, and we need it to perform various vital functions.

Cold and training – exercise or let it go?
Cold and training – exercise or let it go?

Training during illness – can you take dumbbells in your hand? Or is there another set of exercises that will help you recover faster? We answer!

How to naturally increase collagen production in the body?
How to naturally increase collagen production in the body?

Collagen is one of the most desirable nutrients in the diet of physically active people. How to increase its production with a daily menu?

Are people with asthma right to give up physical activity?
Are people with asthma right to give up physical activity?

Asthma sufferers usually try to avoid exercise, but are they right? Find out for yourself if asthma and physical activity really don’t go together!

Water overdose – what is it and what are the consequences?
Water overdose – what is it and what are the consequences?

During the summer heat it is worth taking care of proper hydration of the body, but be careful not to harm your health.

6 painful mistakes people with insulin resistance make – you can avoid them!
6 painful mistakes people with insulin resistance make – you can avoid them!

There is a lot of conflicting information circulating on the Internet about insulin resistance. Which facts to believe, and which are myths? Katarzyna Koćwin, a dietician, will separate truth from falsehood.

Exercises for the lumbar spine – how to strengthen the lumbar muscles?
Exercises for the lumbar spine – how to strengthen the lumbar muscles?

Do you have back pain? Learn effective exercises and strengthen your lumbar muscles!

Excess water in the body – how to deal with it?
Excess water in the body – how to deal with it?

Excess water in the body? We have advice for that! Check out what you need to do to deal with this rather troublesome problem.

St. John’s wort – a natural remedy for abdominal pain. When and how to use it?
St. John’s wort – a natural remedy for abdominal pain. When and how to use it?

St. John’s wort has been widely used in natural medicine for years. What properties does the popular St. John’s wort have and what does it help with?

Ways for snoring – how to effectively get rid of the annoying ailment?
Ways for snoring – how to effectively get rid of the annoying ailment?

Before you go to see a specialist, see what methods you can use to try to alleviate your snoring problem on your own.

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