Excess water in the body – how to deal with it?

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A human being is made up of more than 70% water. No wonder it is so important for the proper functioning of the body. Water is an essential component of bodily fluids, it also takes part in the digestive process and enables transport within the body. However, sometimes it happens that we notice a clear excess of water in our body. Here are some tips on how to get rid of the problem.

Proper hydration

To get rid of water from the body, you need to hydrate your body regularly. It is said that you should drink a liter per 30 kg of body weight. This means in practice that an average person should drink from 1.5 to 3 l of fluids a day. And where to find them? In water, green tea, juices and fruit and vegetables. Drinking strong tea or coffee should also be clearly limited. It is not worth focusing on just one source of water. It is best to combine them, especially since fruits and vegetables also contain many essential vitamins and minerals.

Cucumbers (96%), tomatoes (95%), radishes (95%), strawberries (92%), watermelon (92%,), peppers (92%) and spinach (91%) contain the most water.

Salt restriction

Salt cannot be reduced completely. It is one of those foods that our bodies can’t do without, but in excess it can cause high blood pressure or increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Many of us do not realize how much salt we consume during the day, because salt is everywhere, and who has time nowadays to read the ingredients of products during quick purchases?

Salt is added to store-bought products not just for taste. Its preservative properties are the most important in this case. For this reason salt can be found in cold meats, cheese, preserves and snacks. For example, in 100 g of cold meat there is 1.5 to 2.3 g of salt. This is a lot if we think that scientists emphasize that the daily human consumption of this spice should not exceed 5 grams.

If salt is everywhere, how to reduce it? Undercooking the soup is unfortunately not enough. You need to limit its use in the kitchen, but you should also choose products with the lowest possible content of salt. You should also limit the consumption of fast food, because it is in them that there is the most salt. Also take-away meals or dishes defrosted at home exceed our daily dose of this spice. Cook as much as possible at home, where you can control the amount of salt.

Regular physical exercise

Workouts and sport have a positive effect not only on our physical fitness, mood and condition, but also reduce excess salt and toxins. Reducing the amount of salt in the body already in itself has a positive effect on the reduction of water in the body, while in combination with adequate hydration during training, excess water in the body is no longer a problem.

You don’t have to do much to feel better. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk one stop, choose a bike instead of a car. Just 30 minutes of exercise is enough to get rid of excess water in the body.

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