How to skillfully incorporate supplements into your daily diet?

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Supplements containing various types of vitamins and minerals are becoming increasingly popular among people who care about maintaining good health. In themselves, however, they are of little use if we do not skillfully combine them with the food we consume.

Vitamins and minerals are absolutely necessary in the process of daily supplementation. This is because they contribute to our well-being, ensuring proper physical and mental development. It happens, however, that meals consumed during the day are not enough to provide the body with appropriate amounts of vitamins and microelements. This is when all supplements come on stage. So let’s take a look at what authorities in the world of medicine have to say about it.

Vitamin D in the right concentration will help, among other things, to maintain strong bones and healthy teeth. Since it is a fat-loving compound, it is best taken in the accompaniment of fats contained in olive oil, avocado, coconut milk, nuts, meat or fish. Therefore, it is worth considering the following set – vitamin D, magnesium and omega-3 acid, which will be great for lunch.

Iron is best taken on an empty stomach, or in the case of side effects such as abdominal pain or nausea – a moment after a meal. Iron “feels” great in the company of lactoferrin, which will have an extremely beneficial effect on its assimilability. In turn, magnesium should be taken just before going to bed in the evening. It is particularly well absorbed in the form of magnesium citrate. But remember not to take magnesium and iron at the same time!

The analgesic and anti-inflammatory curcumin is a hydrophobic compound, which, to put it mildly, does not like water. Supplements with standard turmeric extracts should therefore be combined with fat and piperine. In the case of tablets, we no longer need any additives and can supplement this useful chemical compound at the time of day we choose.

Selenium is an element supplemented mainly by people suffering from Hashimoto’s, that is, chronic thyroiditis. However, they must remember to wait at least two hours between taking the fasting thyroid hormone and the selenium dose. A valuable addition will be vitamin E. As convinces pharmacist Zofia Winczewska, specializing in individual supplementation and dietary therapy in civilization diseases, despite the lack of clear contraindications, it is rather recommended to take selenium and zinc at different times of the day.

B vitamins are best supplemented in the morning, possibly in the afternoon, but never in the evening. As an intermediary in the production of energy substances, it will often equip us with almost unlimited amounts of energy and immediately stimulate action. It is important to drink water with all the supplements mentioned – coffee, tea, juice or alcohol are not an option.

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