Tag - vitamin supplements

How to avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies?
How to avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies?

Vitamins and minerals are extremely necessary for our bodies to function properly. So how to avoid their deficiency? We suggest which products to include in your diet to enjoy good health

Vitamin A in improving skin and hair condition
Vitamin A in improving skin and hair condition

Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on our skin, nails and hair, in addition to manifesting a number of health-promoting properties. Read on and find out why it is worth supplementing!

Principles of safe supplementation
Principles of safe supplementation

To make taking dietary supplements completely safe and effective, there are some basic rules to keep in mind. Check which ones!

How do you match diet to physical activity?
How do you match diet to physical activity?

What do you need to include in your diet so that it complements your workouts optimally and doesn’t overtax your body? Read and check it out!

Supplements – an important part of an athlete’s diet
Supplements – an important part of an athlete’s diet

Are you a beginner athlete and want to start supplementation to support your body from the start? See how and what to supplement to perform at your best and stay healthy.

Proven ways to catch a cold. Is it possible to avoid it?
Proven ways to catch a cold. Is it possible to avoid it?

Winter is a time when we often catch infections. What are the ways to protect ourselves from the cold? And is it possible to do it at all?

What dietary supplements are worth taking during the winter?
What dietary supplements are worth taking during the winter?

Do you often catch cold in winter? Check which supplements should support your body in this difficult period!

Vitamin B12 – how to make up for deficiencies on a meat-free diet
Vitamin B12 – how to make up for deficiencies on a meat-free diet

Vitamin B12 is not only found in meat. There are a number of vegetarian and vegan products that will allow you to supplement its deficiency in your diet.

How to skillfully incorporate supplements into your daily diet?
How to skillfully incorporate supplements into your daily diet?

Proper combination of dietary supplements with meals requires proper knowledge about the assimilability of individual micronutrients. Check what nutritionists and doctors recommend in this regard.

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