6 painful mistakes people with insulin resistance make – you can avoid them!

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There is a lot of conflicting information circulating on the Internet about insulin resistance. Which facts to believe, and which are actually myths? The truth from the false will be separated by clinical nutritionist Katarzyna Koćwin, who specializes in and at the same time struggles with OI.

It was 4 years ago. I had my insulin tested and the results strongly surprised me. Too bad it was negative… As much as 10 times over the norm. It was a condition that threatened my life.

Lots of unknowns, few answers, and in the midst of it all, an acute diagnosis – insulin resistance. I was taking care of myself, exercising, my weight was normal, and the results were alarming to say the least.

The road I’ve walked since then has been long and bumpy, fraught with many failures, but also one most important success. I have mastered my OI, am living a normal life today, and have helped dozens of my clients return to a full life.

I wouldn’t want to go back to that moment a second time when it was my Insulin Resistance that had control over me, not me over it….

Published by Dietbykate – Katarzyna Koćwin – Clinical Dietitian Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Based on my experience, I have prepared 6 painful mistakes that people with OI make. It’s just a part of what’s going to be in the Insulin Resistance course I’m working on right now. So, shall we get started?

Mistake #1: Using low-carb diets, “detoxes,” miracle diets

Drastically cutting calories, starving yourself, or going on a very low-energy diet is a temporary effect. It will all come right back and more than make up for it. Our body needs energy to live. Healthy weight loss is about 1% of initial body weight per week.

Failure to provide adequate energy, vitamins and minerals can lead to nutritional deficiencies and, for example, loss of menstruation in women. The yo-yo effect is also guaranteed, but contrary to appearances it is not the most dangerous consequence that can happen to us.

Where does the idea for such diets come from? I think that people want very fast results in a short time. However, this way of eating only makes things worse. Many times it is worse than “before the whole process”. It is very easy to fall into a vicious cycle, anger, frustration.

Mistake #2: Eliminating all carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are necessary! It’s not that having Insulin Resistance you have to eliminate them. It is a fact that carbohydrate intake raises blood sugar levels, but with insulin resistance it is important what type of carbohydrate we choose and how we compose our meals.

A practical tip!
Choose carbohydrates with the lowest possible degree of processing. Instead of white bread, choose whole grain bread with grains. Choose whole grain pasta instead of pasta made from white flour. When choosing groats, choose the “coarser” ones. The “finer” something is, the higher its glycemic index and the faster it raises your blood sugar level. Avoid highly processed products such as juices, sweetened drinks and sweets.

Mistake no. 3: The 100% or nothing rule

You have learned all the rules of low glycemic index diet and you decide to give it 100%? Or maybe from now on you will not deviate from the diet for 4 months and you will train 5 times a week? Oh, such beliefs are simply unfavorable!

The process of changing eating habits is not easy! It happens over a long period of time. Setting unrealistic goals for yourself can only make things worse. Don’t allow yourself to close yourself off from social gatherings, avoid relationships and just wait for that moment when you decide to eat something from the “forbidden foods” list.

Remember, there are no forbidden foods. There are only those that are less beneficial.

The consequence of such behavior can even be an eating disorder! I’ve been through this myself and it’s not pleasant. Proper nutrition in case of insulin resistance is very important, but remember to use common sense.

Mistake no. 4: Composing meals that are incomplete

In insulin resistance it is very important to compose proper meals and basic rules of combining products. Make sure that most of your meals contain vegetables. They are a valuable source of fiber as well as vitamins and minerals. Always compose your meals in such a way that they consist of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. For example, when eating dinner do not eat only groats (carbohydrates) with chicken (protein). Add to it vegetables + for example olive oil (source of fats).

Similarly, take care not to eat fruit alone. Try to choose those with a low/medium glycemic index and combine them with e.g. skyrocket/rural cheese (source of protein) and nuts/seeds (source of fats). I’m sure with time you will get the hang of it and it won’t be a problem for you.

Mistake #5: Completely disregarding a low glycemic load diet

Another mistake is taking a “heaven forbid” attitude and not taking responsibility for your health and life. Lifestyle, proper nutrition, and physical activity have the greatest impact on how we will feel, how we will function, and whether we will face negative consequences from OI. Completely downplaying the topic can lead us to developing type II diabetes, obesity, PCOS and even cancer.

Mistake #6: Eliminating gluten and lactose

Another mistake! It is not necessary to eliminate gluten and lactose groundlessly “because it does”, “because I will lose weight from it”, “because I will feel better”. Only people with diagnosed intolerances confirmed by tests have to give up. Gluten cannot be consumed by people who have: wheat allergy, non-celiac gluten sensitivity and celiac disease.

And in conclusion…

Remember that these tips are very important. At the very beginning, it’s a good idea to learn the basics of meal composition, to be aware of the condition, because that’s the first step toward change. No extremes are good. Both in nutrition and in life. Insulin resistance can be balanced and it can be a really pleasant process.

How to do it exactly, step by step? That’s what I teach in the Embracing Insulin Resistance Yourself course, which goes on sale August 12. Don’t forget to forward this article to your loved ones who are struggling with OI.

Author of the text

Katarzyna Koćwin – clinical dietitian with a passion for psychodietetics, struggles with insulin resistance herself. Graduate of Medical University of Lodz. Author of the course Ogarnij Sam Insulinooporność. Until 4 years ago, her insulin result 1 hour after glucose load was 10x above normal, where glucose dropped to 42. It was a life-threatening condition. For that moment, she felt like she had fallen to the bottom. After all, she had always tried to take care of herself, exercised, her weight was normal. The diagnosis fell on her suddenly and unexpectedly – insulin resistance. That was the turning point when she started to delve more into the subject. She bought books, started reading specialized articles, even did a specialization to “help herself”…

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