Winter sports – what burns the most calories?

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Winter for many people is the most anticipated time of the year. Snow and low temperatures encourage winter physical activity, which cannot be practiced during the summer.

In addition to a large dose of entertainment and pleasure provided by outdoor activities, sports are also an ally of the reduction diet. Winter sports burn significantly more calories than those practiced in the summer and effectively improve motor coordination. What winter sports burn the most calories and how to properly prepare for them?

How to properly prepare for winter activity?

Physical activity practiced at minus temperatures has its own rules. First of all, you should equip yourself with mountain and trekking shoesthe footwear is designed to protect against frost, moisture and strong wind. Moreover, they stabilize the leg and guarantee high comfort during hiking. Another important item of clothing is a waterproof jacket that keeps you warm even in extremely cold weather. Do not forget about the head protection. Beanies and headbands made of warm materials such as wool, acrylic fibers, and fleece work well. Hands are particularly exposed to the cold, so thick, comfortable gloves are an absolute must if you plan to spend hours in minus temperatures. When planning a physical effort on the slopes, it is mandatory to protect your head with a high quality helmet, protecting it from possible injuries during a fall. It is also necessary to wear goggles with the right color lenses and high sun protection

Where to get energy from during sport?

When going to the slope or hiking in the mountains for many hours, in addition to warm clothing, we need high-energy food that we can take with us in our backpack. The need for energy during winter sports can increase even twice, taking into account the calorific value of the daily diet. What products in particular are worth taking with you? First of all, food should be rich in healthy, unsaturated fats and complex carbohydrates, which will satiate and will not cause insulin spikes. Sandwiches based on whole-grain rolls with added protein, such as cheese or cold cuts, will work well. Another good option are high-quality kabanos sausages, which are a source of fat and protein. Nuts and bars with simple ingredients based on dates, nuts and fruit work well as a quick snack. Do not forget about hydration, which is essential for maintaining normal body functions

What burns the most calories in winter?

How many calories you burn during winter activity depends primarily on the intensity of your training. The most calories are burned during cross-country skiing and mountain hiking on skis. These activities allow you to expend up to 900 calories per hour of intense exercise. Walking in the mountains is also a great activity that provides a lot of excitement and is a great form of relaxation. For a safe workout, you need to protect yourself from slipping on icy terrains Skates – e-Horizon they are created from high quality galvanized steel and are extremely handy, so we can pack them in our backpack and use them on more difficult sections

Skating allows you to burn up to 400 calories, and what’s more, it’s great for slimming your figure and strengthening leg muscles. It is worth noting that even sledding or playing in the snow allows you to burn excess calories. Climbing uphill with a sledge burns as many as 500 calories per hour! During all winter activities the body expends more calories than summer activities. This is because the body is forced to warm up and the snow creates additional resistance, causing more energy expenditure.

Any activity is an ally of weight loss, so it is worth to take advantage of the cold winter and give yourself a good dose of exercise, which improves fitness and strengthens the muscles of the whole body, especially legs, buttocks and arms.

Main photo: material from the client

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