5 rules for a healthy fit breakfast

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A proper breakfast is the basis of our efficient functioning during the day. It needs the right amount of vitamin- and carbohydrate-rich ingredients. What should we consider for a healthy breakfast?

Why should we eat a good breakfast?

Some people may need around 2,000 calories, while others (such as those who work out) need more. So it’s important that your breakfast provides the right amount of calories for your daily needs, about 30% of the total. This will provide energy not only for the next few hours but for almost half the day

A proper breakfast also provides mental strength, greater creativity, increased analytical thinking, improved concentration. In addition, a healthy, balanced breakfast prevents heart disease and diabetes.

Fats are ok

Sometimes we are overly sensitive to the word “fat” and everything associated with it has a negative connotation. However, in nature there are so-called healthy fats, which should be part of our daily morning meal.

Such fats usually come from plants, and especially rich in them are: olive oil, flaxseed oil, pumpkin seeds, walnuts (hazelnuts have different properties, while remembering that walnuts are high-calorie), avocado, egg yolk, among others.

Do not give up protein

Thanks to protein we will not reach into the fridge every five minutes. This is especially important for people who have decided to diet. An adequate amount of protein also helps reduce stress. A good choice here will be lean meat, egg, fish, dairy products, pulses.

Vegetables, vegetables and more vegetables

In Poland there is a tendency to leave vegetables on the side of the plate as an unnecessary addition, sometimes even decoration. This is the famous saying “leave the potatoes, but eat the meat”, which each of us has heard. Of course we’re talking about dinner, but after all, we have to admit that the post-war times and communist Poland impoverished our Polish cuisine quite a lot

Many people simply prepare cheese and ham sandwiches for breakfast, sometimes with an addition of tomato or cucumber. Meanwhile, every time we prepare something to eat, half of the plate should be occupied by vegetables. They are a real mine of fiber, which improves metabolism, and dozens of other vitamins that strengthen our body and improve its appearance. So eat your vegetables for breakfast!

Processed foods are not recommended

All kinds of sweets and candies, salty processed foods such as ready meals from supermarkets and fast food restaurants are not the best breakfast choices. Basically speaking – they are not a good choice at all. They are very often high in sugars, unwanted fats and so on. These are high-calorie foods, on top of which they lack nutritional value, they are the so-called “empty calories”.

Regular meals

Anyone who cares about their health knows very well that the key to success is meals at regular times. Even if it is difficult at first, your body will get used to it and after some time you will start feeling hungry at the times you usually eat. There is only one condition: you need to be consistent.

Main photo: Brooke Lark/unsplash.com

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