Celebrity eating habits worth adopting

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Are you not motivated to start eating healthy? How about changing your eating habits and getting inspired by the world’s biggest celebrities? Check out the diets of top actresses and singers!

How do celebrities eat? What kind of tricks do they use? Here are some inspiring celebrity patents.

Alicia Keys

The famous American singer decided some time ago to eliminate 100% of bread and dairy products from her diet. As she admitted, her complexion has improved significantly. In addition, Alicia Keys keeps fried foods to a minimum and makes sure to drink plenty of water every day.

Jennifer Lopez

the 51-year-old actress and singer consumes at least 7 glasses of water every day. Her diet is based on providing the right amount of vegetables, protein, fats and carbohydrates. After a tiring concert, Jennifer Lopez most often reaches for a … a doughnut.

Kate Hudson

The American actress is very careful to eat 5 meals every day. Her breakfast is usually celery juice, protein shake, acai bowl, eggs or oatmeal. As for her other meals, they are based on plant-based foods. Once in a while, Hudson likes to reach for a beef steak, chicken or fish.

Megan Markle

The wife of Prince Harreg’o, actress and social activist starts each of her days with a glass of water with lemon juice. For breakfast she usually eats a slice of wholemeal sourdough bread with avocado mixed with olive oil, salt and pepper. He also enjoys oatmeal with agave syrup and banana. To keep her energy levels high throughout the day. Markle regularly drinks green juices, such as celery juice. Once in a while she allows herself a glass of her favorite red wine.

Halle Berry

At the age of 22, this American actress was diagnosed with diabetes. However, before this happened, her diet was mainly based on sugar-rich products such as candy bars and sweetened breakfast cereals. Giving up sugar helped Halle Berry get rid of persistent mood swings and headaches. Currently, her diet is based on healthy fats and low-carbohydrate products.

Jessica Alba

The famous American actress likes cooking very much. In winter she usually bakes, and in summer she grills outdoors. As she admits, she avoids elimination diets. Thanks to that she does not struggle with hunger attacks. Whenever she feels like it, the actress reaches for one of her favorite fast food dishes.

Venus Williams

The outstanding tennis player was diagnosed in 2011 with an autoimmune disease, which is Sjogren’s syndrome. She was forced to suspend her sports career for some time due to the unpleasant ailment. When she returned to the game, a change to a vegan diet helped.

Published by Katarzyna Zajączkowska Sunday, December 20, 2020

Jennifer Garner

When this American actress doesn’t have time to eat a healthy, balanced meal, she reaches for a protein shake. Instead of candy bars or cookies, she reaches for snacks such as almonds, an apple or natural yogurt.

Jennifer Aniston

The American actress is the creator of an original weight loss treatment. It consists in the fact that 90% of the daily menu consists of low-fat products, and 10% of favorite treats. This diet is based on lean meat and fish, fat-free dairy products, whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

Kasia Cichopek

Popular Polish actress went on a special gluten-free diet some time ago. Her daily menu is based on fish and steamed meats, fruits and vegetables. She avoids bread, pasta, potatoes and hard to digest spicy food. If possible, she tries to eat her meals always at the same times.

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