The most common injuries during sports

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In addition to the daily pursuit of money and professional goals, we also deserve a little relaxation and recreation. After a hard day at work we very often decide to practice our favorite sport, which will stimulate not only the body but also the mind. Do you want to know what kind of injuries threaten you during daily workouts? We invite you to read the following article!

Many people are well aware that a gentle workout after a hard day at work can energize us for the rest of the day. Sedentary work and stressful conditions are not indifferent to our physical and mental condition.

Injuries also affect beginning athletes

Sometimes thirty minutes a day is enough to change your mood beyond recognition, improving circulation and forcing our minds to work better. Unfortunately, no sport is one hundred percent safe. There is always a risk of various injuries.

We should separate two key stages when something can go wrong. One of them is the early stage, when we decide to play a given sport. All this is due to little knowledge of the technique of performing given exercises and the fact that our body is not adapted to an unfamiliar effort. All kinds of strains, excessive soreness, or ruptures are very common injuries for those who take their first steps in a given sport discipline.

The desire to achieve satisfactory results in a short time is one of the reasons for this. Unfortunately, some stages of development cannot be skipped. It is necessary to train strenuously, not forgetting about sleep, which is beneficial for regeneration.

Regeneration reduces the risk of injury

Unfortunately, without it we will not be able to regenerate sufficiently, and also we will not be able to assimilate the acquired skills. In addition to the brain memory is the so-called muscle memory, or rather memory for the subconscious execution of learned movements. It is thanks to this phenomenon that we can react to various stimuli much faster than others.

An example can be boxing, which requires athletes to make seemingly simple movements. After all, a left, right straight is child’s play. Let’s add a left, right hook, that’s also easy. Stepping out of a punch, dodging. The pool of moves is really small. However, it is all about proper reaction time, combined with technique.

Sports accessories will protect you from injury

Often, the murderous training makes us less attentive and at the same time more susceptible to blows. In such a situation, during a sparring session it is advisable to equip yourself with suitable protection for your head. Boxing helmets are an extremely important piece of equipment when practising this sport. There is nothing more valuable than our head. Surely none of us wants to end up like professional boxers when they retire. Such a form protects us from various cuts to the eyebrows or damage to the jaw.

Of course, the sports we practice are not only boxing. Very popular are classes at the gym, which for years have led the lead in the physical activity of Poles. However, we should remember to do all exercises with your head. Certainly there will be someone on site who will advise us the right set of exercises, and the load to start.

Despite the valuable advice we will get, it will not be a recipe for avoiding various injuries. Tendonitis or joint problems are a common effect of overtraining. Let’s remember how important it is to regenerate and provide the body with proper amount of nutrients. Otherwise it will be a road to nowhere, where our body will be overexploited, and we will not see the expected results of hard work quickly.

We must also mention all kinds of extreme sports. Unfortunately in their case, we have to deal with much more serious injuries. Whether we are talking about downhill, skateboarding or mountain climbing, the common denominator here will be serious fractures and related injuries associated with uncontrolled falls. Unfortunately, such is the cost of the adrenaline that flows through the veins of many a fan of such sports.

We hope that the above article has managed to show the most common injuries occurring in various types of sports, as well as how to effectively prevent them.

Main photo: Customer’s material

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