The 3 Shopify SEO Myths You Need to Stop Believing

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With online shoppers more empowered than ever before to purchase products directly from websites without ever having to leave their homes, the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) has grown immensely in recent years. Many e-commerce owners are still getting up to speed on what Shopify SEO really means and how they can implement it to get maximum benefit. However, you should be aware of three common myths surrounding Shopify SEO, so you don’t waste time or money on unnecessary tactics. These myths are widely believed but have little or no truth behind them, so it’s time to debunk them once and for all.

Myth 1: Search engine rankings don’t matter

If you’re not appearing on the first page of search results, you’re losing out on valuable traffic and potential customers. Search engine optimization is vital for any e-commerce business, and ignoring it will only put you at a disadvantage. If you’ve been putting off optimizing your site because you think rankings don’t matter, now is the time to reconsider. Rankings may not be everything, but they’re worth paying attention to if you want to stay competitive.

Myth 2: Google is the only search engine you need to worry about

There’s no denying that Google is the biggest search engine out there. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore the other search engines when it comes to your Shopify SEO strategy. The following are the most popular search engines in order of popularity: Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and Ask. Yahoo! and Bing have even merged with one another so that this list may change in future years. But what does this mean for your Shopify SEO? Well, it means that the results from these search engines are worth paying attention to. Make sure your pages are optimized for each of these major players by checking their guidelines or consulting a professional such as the best Vancouver SEO agency.

Myth 3: Links are now more important than content

If you’ve been in the e-commerce world for more than a hot minute, you’ve probably heard that links are now more important than content. And while it’s true that links are an important ranking factor, they’re not more important than content. In fact, links and content are equally important when it comes to SEO for Shopify. Links without relevant content will do little for your rankings, but good content will mean nothing if nobody can find it. Google also rewards sites with authoritative backlinks so that links will be just as important for your rankings as good content.

Main photo:mohamed_hassan/

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