Tag - supplements what to take

How to speed up the fat burning process? Learn about proven patents!
How to speed up the fat burning process? Learn about proven patents!

Still struggling with unwanted pounds and wondering how to get visible results in a short time? Check out the proven ways you can use on a daily basis!

Vitamin A in improving skin and hair condition
Vitamin A in improving skin and hair condition

Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on our skin, nails and hair, in addition to manifesting a number of health-promoting properties. Read on and find out why it is worth supplementing!

Principles of safe supplementation
Principles of safe supplementation

To make taking dietary supplements completely safe and effective, there are some basic rules to keep in mind. Check which ones!

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Omega-3-containing dietary supplements vs. dietary sources
Omega-3-containing dietary supplements vs. dietary sources
Supplementation with n-3 unsaturated fats has been a trending health topic lately. From this article you will learn when to take Omega-3 in supplements and which foods are good sources of Omega-3 ALA, EPA and DHA.
Want to use affirmations? See where to start!
Want to use affirmations? See where to start!
Affirmations are one of the best techniques for achieving success. If you too are going to be successful, it will be impossible without these principles! These are just a few steps to improve your life.
Meal Ideas for Busy People
Meal Ideas for Busy People
Can't find even a few minutes of downtime to make your lunch? Check out our solutions!