Tasty and healthy nuts

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Bakery products are a large food group that includes dried fruits, various nuts and seeds. They are a nutritious and tasty organic addition to your menu.

What goes under the common name of nuts?

Under the common name of healthy nuts, there are products that vary in color, texture and nutritional value. What these nuts have in common, however, is that they are organic nuts. Healthy organic nuts are a tasty snack and an important flavor addition to savory dishes, as well as cakes and desserts. When discussing the entire group, it is necessary to clearly distinguish 3 large families within it: dried fruits, nuts and seeds. To show the special values of this group, it is worth discussing each component separately.

What are organic nuts and vegetables?

Healthy organic nuts, seeds, seeds and fruits come from orchards and crops certified organic. Organic food, also called organic or biological, is produced on certified farms. The use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides, ionizing radiation and GMOs is prohibited in organic crops Organic store Organic Market has a range of healthy organic nuts and vegetables.

Labeling of organic nuts

Organic nuts and nuts that have a label on the package suggesting that they are organic, such as organic nuts and nuts, organic nuts and nuts or organic nuts, must come from an organic production system. Organic nuts are nuts that are marked on the package with the green eco-leaf logo. This is a logo that is valid throughout the European Union. In this case, the seller is obliged to have a certificate as proof that the nuts are organic. The organic certificate means that the nuts you buy are not anonymous.

Healthy organic nuts

Healthy nuts are when they have a naturally high nutritional value and do not provide unwanted ingredients such as pesticide residues or artificial preservatives when consumed. Scientific studies confirm that organic nuts have a higher nutritional value. Organic nuts contain less nitrates compared to their conventional counterparts. Organic fruits contain more fiber and cellulose fiber. It has been scientifically verified that consumers of organic fruit are significantly less likely to suffer from food allergies.

Extending the shelf life of organic nuts

Drying is a very versatile way to extend the shelf life of fruits. Thanks to this process, you can enjoy the taste of produce grown anywhere in the world. What is important is the way in which the drying of fruit takes place. In the case of organic fruit, it is done without the addition of preservatives. Eco fruit is dried slowly and therefore always has a dark brown color and is very sweet due to the concentration of natural sugar

Which dried fruits belong to the group of nuts?

Dried fruits offered by the organic store Organic Market are: dates, apricots, figs, prunes, raisins, mangoes and cranberries. Apricots have the highest nutritional value of all dried fruits. They can be eaten right out of the package or soaked in water beforehand. Apart from direct consumption, dried fruits can be used for various types of cakes, creams, desserts, fruit soups and salads.

Healthy nuts and nuts

Nuts are really healthy nuts – a very nutritious addition to meals and a great snack. They contain a lot of nutritional value in small quantities. Since nuts contain a lot of fat, they can be difficult for some people to digest. It is advisable to eat them slowly and chew them well, savoring the taste, so that they are assimilated properly. To the same end, they can also be soaked before consumption.

Why are organic nuts healthy nuts?

Nuts are rich in calcium and valuable fatty acids that are better digested and assimilated than animal fats. Healthy nuts, including nuts, are the best source of vitamin E, which is a protective antioxidant for the nervous and immune systems. Nuts, seeds and seeds also provide B vitamins as well as protein and dietary fiber. They are also a dietary source of magnesium and zinc.

Photo: client’s press material.

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