Tag - ways to combat stress

Urban stress – what is it and how to deal with it?
Urban stress – what is it and how to deal with it?

Living and working in a large agglomeration exposes us to the so-called urban stress. Find out what are its symptoms and how to fight it effectively!

Sporty ways to relieve stress
Sporty ways to relieve stress

One of the most effective ways to de-stress is through physical activity. Check out which sports work best as a way to relieve stress!

Effective ways to de-stress
Effective ways to de-stress

Looking for a method to effectively de-stress after a hard day at work? Learn 5 ways to forget about stress and enjoy a better mood!

Schultz’s autogenic training as a remedy for stress
Schultz’s autogenic training as a remedy for stress

Are you constantly on the go and nerves prevent you from functioning efficiently? Find out what you can do to easily beat stress and regain peace of mind!

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