Tag - sesame

What can I replace meat with? Plant products rich in protein
What can I replace meat with? Plant products rich in protein

People planning to switch to a vegan diet have plenty of plant-based products rich in protein to choose from. Check out which ones can effectively replace meat.

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Eating black seed honey: Why it’s good for you
Eating black seed honey: Why it’s good for you
Black seed honey, or black cumin honey as it's known in the Middle East and North Africa, is made from the nectar of black cumin flowers, which are grown primarily in Jordan and Palestine. Black cumin has been used medicinally in these regions since ancient times, and recent studies have found that black seed honey may also have many health benefits, including anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-diabetic and anti-oxidant properties.
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Water overdose – what is it and what are the consequences?
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