Tag - exercise

Spiked massage balls – a convenient way to relax muscles
Spiked massage balls – a convenient way to relax muscles

Do you have back pain? Do you often have cramps? A cheap spiked ball may be the solution. Check out how to use it.

Cold and training – exercise or let it go?
Cold and training – exercise or let it go?

Training during illness – can you take dumbbells in your hand? Or is there another set of exercises that will help you recover faster? We answer!

What exercises should be performed after running?
What exercises should be performed after running?

There are plenty of benefits to running, but only if you make sure to do proper stretching and some other simple exercises after your workout. What activities can help you avoid muscle pain?

How much weight can you lose in a week without compromising your health?
How much weight can you lose in a week without compromising your health?

Losing weight quickly is a simple path to the yo-yo effect and health problems! Check out what you should know about weight loss.

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Tasty and Healthy Snacks to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
Tasty and Healthy Snacks to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
If you’re trying to stick to your weight loss regimen, but don’t want to give up your sweet tooth, here are 5 tasty and healthy snacks to satisfy your cravings without derailing your diet.
Drink and lose weight! Drinks that aid weight loss
Drink and lose weight! Drinks that aid weight loss
Some of the drinks and infusions help in the fight against excessive pounds. Find out what to drink to speed up the weight loss process!