Tag - examples of home exercises

What and how to exercise with an exercise rubber band?
What and how to exercise with an exercise rubber band?

Do you want to exercise with exercise bands? See what exercises are worth doing with this equipment!

Rowing at home – what effects does training on an ergometer have?
Rowing at home – what effects does training on an ergometer have?

A rowing ergometer is a popular piece of equipment that engages up to 95% of our body muscles. Check out the effects of training on the popular rower!

Calisthenics at home – you can do it without equipment too!
Calisthenics at home – you can do it without equipment too!

Effective calisthenics training can also be successfully performed at home. Check out what a workout plan for beginners should look like!

How to do a general workout at home?
How to do a general workout at home?

Exercise training is a proven way to increase fitness, endurance and slimmer body. What’s important, you can easily do it at home!

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